
Pavol Minár - – 26.03.2019

From time to time, it is good to find out about something that might inspire you and give you information that you can base your decisions on. SeMinar will provide you with lectures and workshops about advertising, marketing and important trends. If you are interested in lectures and workshops about brand building, marketing basics, marketing strategy preparation, social and marketing trends, cultural history or the current state of advertising and marketing, get in touch with us. You can also reach out to us if you are interested in your own particular topic. We’ll surely find a way.


Nedeľný SeMinár: Čo príde po rek...


Každý dominantný trend vytvára svoj proti-trend. Pozrime si, ako jeden veľký súčasný reklamný trend pravdepodobne pripravuje pôdu pre svoj opak.


Nedeľný SeMinár: Prečo značky v ...


Ak má vaša značku nejakú slabinu, mainstreamová reklama sa tvári, že nič také...


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