
Pavol Minár - – 26.03.2019

Numbers, trends, information, data. Everyone wants to have them. Thanks to big data, we actually often do. A lot of it. However… The data, by itself, does not tell much if it is not accompanied by its interpretation and context, which, in addition to the how, when, where and how often also tells you the why of it, and especially shows you the implications for the brand and business and provides direction for what to do today, tomorrow or in a year.

DataWorks turns data into insights, numbers into interpretation, information into knowledge and market mapping into a hunt for business opportunities. If you want your data to work, and to work for you, get in touch with us.


Nedeľný SeMinár: Čo príde po rek...


Každý dominantný trend vytvára svoj proti-trend. Pozrime si, ako jeden veľký súčasný reklamný trend pravdepodobne pripravuje pôdu pre svoj opak.


Nedeľný SeMinár: Prečo značky v ...


Ak má vaša značku nejakú slabinu, mainstreamová reklama sa tvári, že nič také...


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